leaches in a sentence
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Leaches Sentence Examples
1. So every glass of milk we drink leaches calcium from our bones.
2. Not one more cent for the transnational or local economic leaches!
3. Read more about alcohol and how it leaches vitamin C from the body
4. It leaches into food and water supplies, and humans are widely exposed to it.
5. Unfortunately, TBT leaches into the marine environment and destroys entire ecosystems.
6. The substance leaches easily into the ground water and has been banned in the EU since 2008.
7. And what happens if a synthetic organism leaches from a new building material into surrounding waters?
8. Also, magnesium leaches through the soil before the roots of the chamaedorea have the opportunity to absorb it.
9. You should avoid type 7 plastic containers because they may contain bisphenol A that leaches into their contents.
10. stress leaches health out of your body, and, if not adequately mitigated, this stress can eventually lead to anxiety.
11. According to this and previous studies by the same research group, the cheaper the dishes, the more melamine leaches out.
12. I do not own a microwave because heating plastic in the microwave leaches chemicals into the food -- even microwave-safe containers.
13. But, be warned, it is no different than the current fractional-reserve debt-based parasite that currently leaches off most of the planet
14. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to support the use of BPA in current food packaging, because the amount that leaches into food is small.
15. The data showed that the virus survived in landfill leachate — liquid that drains or “leaches” from a landfill — for at least 30 days and up to 600 days.
16. when stored at room temperature or less, the amount of antimony that leaches is generally deemed safe, but as temperatures increase, so does the antimony levels in your drink.
17. Before these leaches on American taxpayers could get the Cold War going again, the Soviet Union collapsed as a result of a right-wing coup against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.
18. Although nitrogen (N) is also needed in large amounts by plants, the soil nitrates level is not usually routinely tested because rainfall leaches nitrates from the soil, which easily results in low levels.
19. Now, scientists have also demonstrated that overconsumption of alcohol leaches vitamin C from the body, and they call for further studies to show that vitamin C supplements may help improve the health of alcoholics.
20. This means the BPA levels might have been even higher if the participants had drunk hot liquids out of them, since heat increases the amount of BPA that leaches into the liquid (one of the reasons for the heightened concern around baby bottles).
Meaning of Leaches
1. (with reference to a soluble chemical or mineral) drain away from soil, ash, or similar material by the action of percolating liquid, especially rainwater.
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