edana in a sentence

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Edana Sentence Examples

1. The Nonwovens Forum is jointly organised by ITMA and Edana.

2. Chief Edana leads the ancient Kabuas with his great power."

3. Edana, crowned in light, lies on a table buried under stones.

4. Little children listening to stories of Edana becoming the Guardian of the Black Stones."

5. Edana Franklin wakes up in hospital with her arm amputated and the police questioning her husband.

6. “As strategic partners, INDA and EDANA are committed to promoting the sustained growth of the nonwovens industry.

7. EDANA, formed in 1971 as the European Disposables and Nonwovens Association, is the international association serving the nonwovens and related industries.

8. In addition, we collaborate with EDANA, the international trade association for the nonwovens and related industries, to ensure we comply with the highest environmental and product safety standards.

9. Formed in 1971 originally as the European Disposables and Nonwovens Association, for more than three decades EDANA has grown and evolved, to become today a modern industry association with a European focus and global influence and profile, reflecting the changing dynamics of the nonwovens industry.


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