eau de-vie in a sentence

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Eau De-vie Sentence Examples

1. The remaining liquid is the clear “eau de vie.”

2. The Gimet Distillery has created exceptional eau de vie since 1929.

3. Recently, I paid a visit to the brothers Verhaeghe in Cahors and came to enjoy their “Eau de Vie de Marc de GC”.

4. Gin from Menorca is not derived from grain alcohol but from wine alcohol (eau de vie de vin), making it more akin to brandy.

5. Interestingly, when the Cognac culture first became popular, and before the terminology that we use today came to be, the spirit was either referred to as simply Cognac – or Cognac Eau de Vie.

6. The house Martell, founded in 1715 by the Englishman Jean Martell, who started trading Eau de Vie in the French Cognac area, still buys Eau de Vie from Cognac farmers in the various Cru's of the Cognac region.

7. Basically, Calvados is a barrel-aged Eau de Vie, but there are four different types of Calvados, all of which are regionally protected products of the Normandy region in France and differ slightly in their manufacturing rules.

eau de-vie

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