cream cheese in a sentence

Get sentences with cream cheese in a sentence.


Cream Cheese Sentence Examples

1. I ate a toasted bagel with cream cheese

2. Low-Fat Cream Cheese Compared to Regular

3. cream cheese with nuts for toast- recipes 2019.

4. But cream cheese has always somehow been exempt.

5. which cream cheese did you use? this looks AMAZING, btw

6. Cream cheese also has no poisonous or toxic effects on dogs.

7. Be generous with the cream cheese, you can never have too much!

8. It is also a good idea to cut the cream cheese into small blocks.

9. If cream cheese were a food group, all would be right in the world.

10. It is safe for dogs to eat cream cheese but only in small portions.

11. Cream cheese was not “accidentally invented by William Lawrence in 1872.”

12. You see, the issue is that butter and cream cheese have various textures.

13. But neither uses cream cheese in its food—that’s a proud New York product.

14. All authentic cheesecake contains cream cheese, which is how it got its name.

15. Margarine, cream cheese and sauces during pregnancy are best excluded from the diet.

16. You liked cream cheese in the twenties, so also is serving as a “Frosting” properly.

17. This is the place where I had my very first Lox & Cream Cheese Bagel many years ago.

18. Yes, even a company that sells cream cheese can benefit from a customer education video!

19. only one variety of 2-ounce cream cheese from a single day yielded the positive result.

20. only one variety of two-ounce cream cheese from a single day yielded the positive result.

Meaning of Cream Cheese

1. soft, rich cheese made from unskimmed milk and cream.

cream cheese

Are you looking forward to learning how to use Cream Cheese in a sentence? This tool helps to understand how to use the word Cream Cheesein a sentence. A great way to make sentences of Cream Cheese. Also, learn the meaning of the same word as well.

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