bloats in a sentence

Get sentences with bloats in a sentence.


Bloats Sentence Examples

1. If the dog bloats, or swells in the abdomen, it is an emergency.

2. Otherwise money just bloats them and makes them hard to change direction.

3. At least this is how it should be done, as the alternative bloats the blockchain.

4. Money is not true wealth; it loses value, it bloats the ego and hardens the heart.

5. “It still bloats the executable with useless virtual machines that only slow down your game.”

6. Furthermore, some members of the bitcoin community feel that this unecessarily 'bloats the blockchain'.

7. It may be given to cattle, but new provender is at first to be administered very sparingly, because it bloats up the cattle."

8. For example, if a dog “bloats” or presents with a hugely distended or twisted stomach, he will need surgery as soon as possible.

9. As you can imagine, this bloats all of the queries in our data access layer, and makes the API very vulnerable if one forgets to add the correct filter conditions.

10. However, considering the fact that Anavar eliminates the often undesirable water weight that bloats the individual, the weight gained from Anavar is almost exclusively 100% lean muscle mass.

11. In this game, the player controls unique creatures called Bloats as they decide to escape to a new home, but is not so easy the game world is full obstacles and require logical thinking to complete…

12. “Usually on the first day of my period I have awful menstrual pain and my stomach bloats, but if I happen to have a very important competition during my period, I don’t even notice my menstrual cramps.

Meaning of Bloats

1. Distention of the abdomen from death.

2. Pathological overdistention of rumen with gas in a ruminant.

3. Wasteful use of space or other resources.

4. A worthless, dissipated fellow.


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