appalling in a sentence
Get sentences with appalling in a sentence.
Appalling Sentence Examples
1. you look appalling.
2. his language is appalling.
3. their language is appalling.
4. and most of them were appalling.
5. appalling crimes against humanity
6. the new jobs number was appalling.
7. 1: An appalling lack of goody bags;
8. losses on both sides were appalling.
9. he was held in appalling conditions.
10. The appalling pollution of our seas!
11. but how that guy talks it appalling!
12. FGM is the appalling abuse of children.
13. they were kept in appalling conditions.
14. How appallingly true for the alcoholic!
15. As for ISIS, the situation is appalling.
16. France’s losses were appalling, however.
17. By cowardly fear alone to me appalling —
18. The appalling Ehud Olmert sets the stage:
19. Appalling Revelations about "Tom Johnson"
20. How appallingly unproductive this all is!
Meaning of Appalling
1. causing shock or dismay; horrific.
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