Welsh to Latin Translation


Common Phrases From Welsh to Latin

DiolchGratias tibi
Os gwelwch yn ddaQuaeso
Mae'n ddrwg gennyfIgnosce
Hwyl fawrVale
Nac ydwNo
Sut wyt ti?Quid agis?
Esgusodwch fiignoscas
Dydw i ddim yn gwybodNescio
Rwy'n deallintelligo
Rwy'n credu hynnyPuto sic
Wela'i di wedynTe visurum
Cymerwch ofalCurae
Beth sydd i fyny?Quid novi?
Dim otsnumquam sapiunt
Wrth gwrsScilicet
Ar unwaithIlicet
Awn niAbeamus

Interesting information about Welsh Language

Welsh is a very old and beautiful language that people speak in Wales, which is a part of the United Kingdom. It sounds very different from English, with lots of unique sounds and letters that you might not hear in other languages. The Welsh language is very special because it has its own alphabet, which includes some letters that are a bit like a combination of English ones, like "ll" and "ch." Long time ago, almost everyone in Wales spoke Welsh, but now fewer people do, so lots of folks are working hard to keep the language alive. Kids in Wales learn Welsh in school, and there are even TV shows and songs in Welsh. If you visit Wales, you'll see Welsh on street signs and in books, which is really cool. It's a language that's full of history and is an important part of Welsh culture.

Know About Latin Language

Latin is a very old language that was used a long time ago in a place called Rome, which is now the capital of a country named Italy. A long time ago, many people spoke Latin, and it was a very important language for books, learning, and talking to each other. Even though not many people speak Latin like we speak English or Spanish today, it is still used in some schools, churches, and by people who love history. Latin words are also the secret base for many words we use in English and other languages. This means that by knowing Latin, we can understand these languages better, like a special key that helps us unlock how words are made. So, Latin is like a grandparent to many languages we speak now!

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