Shona to Irish Translation


Common Phrases From Shona to Irish

NdatendaGo raibh maith agat
NdapotaLe do thoil
Ndine huromboTá brón orm
MhoroDia dhuit
Sara musheSlán
Makadii?Conas tá tú?
PamusoroiGabh mo leithscéal
HandiziveNíl a fhios agam
Ndofunga kudaroCeapaim
Ndichakuwona gare gareFeicfidh mé ar ball thú
ZvichengetedzeTabhair aire
Chii chiri kuita?Conas atá tú?
ChiregedzaNá bac leis
Ehe saizvozvoAr ndóigh
HandeyiA ligean ar dul

Interesting information about Shona Language

Shona is a language that many people speak in a country called Zimbabwe, in Africa. It's like when you talk with your friends in your language; in Zimbabwe, many people use Shona to say hello, ask for food, play games, and tell stories. Just like English has its ABCs, Shona has its own letters that sound different. Imagine learning a whole new way to say things—that's what speaking Shona is like if you've never heard it before. Children in Zimbabwe often grow up hearing and speaking Shona, so for them, it's easy to talk, laugh, and sing in this special language. It's kind of like a secret code that everyone in Zimbabwe knows, and it keeps them close like a big family.

Know About Irish Language

Irish is a very special kind of talking and writing that comes from Ireland, a beautiful country with lots of green hills and old stories. Irish has been around for a really long time—even before people used to write things down! It's like a secret code that only some people know how to use, because not everyone speaks Irish these days. But it's still taught in schools in Ireland, and some people chat, sing, and tell stories in Irish every day. When you hear Irish, it sounds very different from English. It has its own music to it, with lots of lovely sounds that can seem a bit tricky at first. But once you get used to it, it's like hearing a song that's been sung for thousands of years, carrying the magic of Ireland with every word.

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