Oromo to Bambara Translation


Common Phrases From Oromo to Bambara

GalatoomaaA' ni cɛ
Akkamaw ni baara
NagaattiKan bɛ
Akkam jirta?I ka kɛnɛ wa?
DhiifamaHakɛ to
An hin beekuNe tɛ a dɔn
Nan hubadhan y'a faamu
Akkas natti fakkaataNe hakili la, o de don
TariiA bɛ se ka kɛ
Booda wal agarraKan bɛn kɔfɛ
Of eeggadhuI janto i yɛrɛ la
Akkam jirta?Mun bɛ ye?
Hin yaadda'iinKana i janto a la
Eeyyee kaaKɔsɛbɛ
AchumaanO yɔrɔnin bɛɛ la
Haa deemnuAn ka taa

Interesting information about Oromo Language

Oromo is a language that lots of people speak in the country called Ethiopia, and some nearby places too. It's kind of like when you and your friends have a special way of talking together, but for many, many people! The Oromo language has its own sounds and words, just like English has words like "cat" or "run." People use Oromo to talk to each other, tell stories, and teach kids in schools. It's like a key that opens the door to a big family where everyone understands each other because they all use the language called Oromo! 🗝️🚪👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Know About Bambara Language

Bambara is a language that many people speak in the country of Mali, in Africa. It's the most common language there, and lots of people use it to talk to each other every day. Bambara is part of a bigger family of languages called Mande languages. It's not just used at home with families, but also in schools, markets, and on the radio and TV so everyone can understand what's going on. People who speak Bambara can share stories, learn new things, and be friends with each other. Even if someone speaks a different language, they might learn Bambara too, because it helps everyone get along and understand each other better in Mali.

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