Malagasy to Icelandic Translation


Common Phrases From Malagasy to Icelandic

Misaotra anaoÞakka þér fyrir
Mba miangavy reVinsamlegast
miala tsinyÞví miður
tsy misyNei
Manao ahoana ianao?Hvernig hefurðu það?
AzafadyAfsakið mig
Tsy fantatroÉg veit ekki
Azokoég skil
izay raha ny hevitroég held það
Rehefa avy eoSé þig seinna
Karakarao tsara ny tenanaoFarðu varlega
Inona ny malaza?Hvað er að frétta?
Tsy maninona kaSkiptir engu
Mazava ho azyAuðvitað
Tsy misy hatak'androUndir eins

Interesting information about Malagasy Language

Malagasy is a special language that people speak on a big island called Madagascar. This island is very close to a huge place called Africa, but it's separate and sits in the Indian Ocean. The language sounds like no other because it comes from far, far away in a place called Southeast Asia. That's surprising because Madagascar looks like it's just a stone's throw from Africa. Long ago, people from a group of islands called Indonesia traveled across the ocean and decided to make Madagascar their new home. As they lived there, they started using Malagasy to talk to each other and to their kids. And just like that, the language grew and became the main way people speak in Madagascar. Now, kids go to school to learn more about Malagasy so they can read stories, write letters, and tell their friends all kinds of interesting things in their own special language.

Know About Icelandic Language

Icelandic is a special kind of talking and writing that people use in Iceland. It's a lot like the old Viking language from over a thousand years ago. People in Iceland can still read stories from long ago because their language has changed very little. There are not a lot of people who speak Icelandic, but those who do love their language very much. They have many words for snow and even a magic letter that looks like a "d" and "b" squished together. This letter makes a sound like a thundering dragon. Icelandic is really important to the people in Iceland, and they work hard to keep it the same, like a favorite old toy that they never want to change.

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