Hungarian to Nepali Translation


Common Phrases From Hungarian to Nepali

Sajnálomमाफ गर्नुहोस्
Hogy vagy?तिमीलाई कस्तो छ?
Elnézéstमलाईं माफ गर्नुहोस्
Nem tudomमलाई थाहा छैन
Megértemम बुझ्दछु
azt hiszemमलाई त्यस्तै लाग्छ
Később találkozunkपछि भेटौँला
Vigyázz magadraख्याल गर्नु होला
Mi a helyzet?के छ?
Nem fontosचिन्ता नलिऊँ
természetesenअवश्य पनि
Azonnalअहिले नै

Interesting information about Hungarian Language

Hungarian is a language that is very special and different from most other languages. People in Hungary use it to talk to each other. It's not like English, Spanish, or French, because it doesn't have a lot of words that sound the same as in those languages. Hungarian belongs to a family of languages called "Uralic," which is like a language cousin to Finnish and Estonian, but even so, it's pretty unique. Hungarian has some fun sounds that can be hard to say if you're not used to them, and they like to put words together to make new, long words. Imagine if you took "sun," "flower," and "seed" and made them into one big word – that's something Hungarian does a lot! It's a cool language with its own special way of doing things.

Know About Nepali Language

Nepali is a special language spoken by people in a country called Nepal which is tucked away in the mountains between India and China. It's like the music of their voices, full of different sounds and tunes which they use to talk to each other, tell stories, and share their feelings. This language has its own set of squiggly lines and shapes that they write down in books, on signs, and even on their computers and phones. People in Nepal love to speak in Nepali because it's a part of who they are, just like their colorful festivals and yummy food. Even some people in parts of India and Bhutan speak Nepali too, which makes it a special bridge that connects the hearts of many people living near the big mountains. Just think about it as a secret code they all understand and that holds them together like a family. It's not just the words, but the way they say them that makes Nepali so beautiful and unique.

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