Georgian to Macedonian Translation


Common Phrases From Georgian to Macedonian

ᲒმადლობთВи благодарам
გთხოვთВе молам
Როგორ ხარ?Како си?
ᲣკაცრავადИзвини ме
Მე არ ვიციне знам
მე მესმისразбирам
ასე ვფიქრობТака мислам
Მოგვიანებით გნახავСе гледаме подоцна
ᲘზრუნოსЧувај се
Რა ხდება?Што има?
ᲓაიკიდეНе е важно
Რა თქმა უნდაСекако
ᲬავედითДа одиме

Interesting information about Georgian Language

Georgian is a very special and old language that people speak in a country called Georgia. This country is not the state of Georgia in America; it is a whole different place with its own beautiful mountains and seas. People in Georgia have been speaking the Georgian language for a very, very long time—even over a thousand years! The Georgian language has its own alphabet, which looks nothing like the letters you see in English. It’s like a secret code with 33 letters that are all its own, and they are very pretty to look at. When people speak in Georgian, it sounds musical and a little bit tricky because it has lots of sounds that we don't have in English. But for kids growing up in Georgia, it’s just normal, like English is for you!

Know About Macedonian Language

Macedonian is a language that people speak mostly in a country called North Macedonia, but also some people speak it in places close to North Macedonia. It's a lot like languages called Bulgarian and Serbian because those languages are like its brothers and sisters. People in Macedonia use an alphabet with letters that look a little different from the ones you see in English—it's called the Cyrillic alphabet. Macedonian has its own special sounds and words, and like all languages, it's a way for people there to talk to each other, tell stories, and share what they're thinking and feeling.

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