Finnish to Armenian Translation


Common Phrases From Finnish to Armenian

Ole kilttiԽնդրում եմ
Mitä kuuluu?Ինչպես ես?
Minä en tiedäչգիտեմ
Ymmärränես հասկանում եմ
Luulen niinԵս այդպես եմ կարծում
Voi ollaՄիգուցե
Nähdään myöhemminԿտեսնվենք
Pitää huoltaԽնամել
Miten menee?Ինչ կա?
Unohda koko juttuԵրբեք դեմ չէ

Interesting information about Finnish Language

Finnish is a special way of talking that comes from a country called Finland. It's a bit like a secret code, but for Finnish people, it's how they say hello, ask for food, and tell stories. Finnish has lots of funny, long words with lots of vowels, like "a" and "i" and "o" that can be hard to say if you're not used to it. But once you learn it, it's like being able to sing a song in a whole new way. There aren't many people who speak Finnish, but for those who do, it's a big part of who they are and how they share what they think and feel with their friends and family.

Know About Armenian Language

Armenian is a special language that people speak in Armenia, a small country with beautiful mountains. Imagine it like a secret code that has been used for a very, very long time. It has its own alphabet, which is like a set of fun drawings to represent different sounds. Think of how we draw a cat to show a cat, but in the Armenian alphabet, each drawing tells us how to say different parts of words. These drawings, or letters, were made more than 1,600 years ago, so they are like treasures from the past. When people speak Armenian, they can say "hello" by saying "Barev," which is like their word for a friendly "Hi!" Just like how we have different ways of talking in English, like the way British people say "lift" and Americans say "elevator," Armenian also has different styles; there's Eastern Armenian and Western Armenian. People use Armenian to talk to each other, to write stories, to sing songs, and it's a big part of what makes Armenia and Armenian people special.

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