Estonian to Dogri Translation


Common Phrases From Estonian to Dogri

Aitähथुआढ़ा धन्नवाद
Palunकिरपा करियै
Vabandustमाफ करो
Kuidas sul läheb?थुआढ़ा केह् हाल ऐ?
Vabandage mindमिगी माफ करेओ
ma ei teaमिगी नेईं पता
ma saan aruमें समझनां
ma arvan küllमैं ऐसा सोचदा हां
Võib ollaहोई सकदा ऐ
Näeme hiljemबाद च मिलने आं
Ole tubliध्यान रक्खेओ
Mis toimub?केह् हाल ऐ?
Ära pane täheleकोई गल्ल नेईं
Koheतुरंत ही
Lähmeचलो चलो

Interesting information about Estonian Language

Estonian is a special language that people speak in Estonia, a small country next to the sea in Europe. It's a bit like a secret code because not many people in the world know how to speak it. Estonian sounds different from other languages like English or Spanish, and it has its own rules for how to put words together. The letters in Estonian sometimes have extra lines or dots, which change how they sound. Also, in Estonian, you can make really long words by sticking together smaller words, like building a tower with blocks. It's a very old language but still full of fun sounds and ways to talk about all kinds of things, from tasty foods to playing games!

Know About Dogri Language

Dogri is a special way for people to talk to each other that is mostly used by people living in a part of India called Jammu and Kashmir. It's like when you have your own secret language with your friends, but this one is spoken by lots of people. Just like you like to tell stories, sing songs, and play games in your own language, people in Jammu and Kashmir do the same in Dogri. They use it to share their thoughts, feelings, and everyday talk. It sounds different from languages like English or Spanish because it has its own special words and sounds. Imagine you and your friends deciding to make up new words for everything you see; that's sort of what different languages are like. Dogri is a special part of their culture, and it helps them keep their traditions and stories alive. It's like their very own way of wrapping up all the things that make them who they are in a bundle of words that they can share with each other.

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