English to Czech Translation


Common Phrases From English to Czech

Thank youDěkuji
How are you?Jak se máte?
Excuse mePromiňte
I don't knowNevím
I understandChápu
I think soMyslím, že ano
See you laterUvidíme se později
Take careOpatruj se
What's up?Co se děje?
Never mindNevadí
Of courseSamozřejmě
Right awayRovnou
Let's goPojďme

Interesting information about English Language

English is a language that lots of people around the world speak and write. It sounds like what you hear most characters say in American movies or what you read in a book from England. Some people say "hello" and "thank you" in English, and these words are like little keys that open up conversations. English started in a place called England a long, long time ago, but now people in many countries use it to talk to each other, even in countries like Australia, Canada, and the United States. People learn English at school, and it's like a bridge that lets them make friends with others and share their stories, even if they come from very different places!

Know About Czech Language

Czech is a special kind of talking and writing that people use in a country called the Czech Republic. It's like how we speak English at home or how some of our friends might speak Spanish or French. The Czech language has its own sounds and words that are different from ours. For example, when Czech people say "hello," they say "Ahoj!" When they count, the number "one" is "jedna." They have letters that look funny too, like with little hats on them, called accents. These accents help to tell how to say the words. Kids in the Czech Republic learn how to talk in Czech when they're really little, just like we learn English. It's a special language that only people from that part of the world use every day.

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