Dhivehi to Mizo Translation


Common Phrases From Dhivehi to Mizo

ޝުކުރިއްޔާKa lawm e
މަޢާފަށް އެދެންTihpalh
އައްސަލާމް ޢަލައިކުމްChibai
ވަރަށް ސަލާންMangtha
ހާލު ކިހިނެތް?I dam em?
ވަގުތުކޮޅެއްދީMin hrethiam lawk
އަހަންނަކަށް ނޭނގެKa hre lo
އަހަންނަށް ފަހުމް ވޭka hrethiam
އަޅުގަނޑަށް ހީވަނީ އެހެންKa ngaihdan chuan
ފަހުން ފެންނާނެ ކަމަށް އުންމީދުކުރަންNakinah kan inhmu dawn nia
އަޅާލުންEnkawl tha
ކޮންކަމެއް އޮތީ?Engnge ni ta?
އަޅާނުލާA pawi love
ޔަޤީނެއްނުNi chiah e
ހަމަ އެވަގުތުChutah chuan
ހިނގާ ދާންI kal ang u

Interesting information about Dhivehi Language

Dhivehi is a very special kind of talking and writing that people use in a beautiful place called the Maldives, which is made up of lots of tiny islands like dots in the big blue Indian Ocean. If you imagine a world where the sky meets the sea, that's where you'll hear people speaking Dhivehi. It's like a secret code that's been passed down for lots and lots of years, from a long time ago when kings and queens might have ruled the islands. The letters in Dhivehi look like they're dancing or playing, with loops and curves instead of straight lines. When someone speaks Dhivehi, it sounds smooth and soft, a bit like the waves that whisper secrets to the sandy beaches in the Maldives. Even though it's just people from these islands who really speak it every day, Dhivehi is still a very important part of who they are, like a treasure chest full of stories about their home.

Know About Mizo Language

Mizo language is a special kind of talking and writing that people use in a beautiful place in India called Mizoram. Think of it like a secret code that all the friends in Mizoram know and use to share their stories, jokes, and feelings with each other. Just like you might speak English, Hindi, or any other language at home or with your friends, many boys and girls in Mizoram speak Mizo with their families and pals. Mizo is very important to them because it's a big part of who they are and how they live. It's like when you draw a picture to show how you feel; the people in Mizoram use Mizo words to do the same. It's a lovely language that's full of nice sounds and helps them say what they want in their own special way.

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