Yiddish to Arabic Translation


Common Phrases From Yiddish to Arabic

אדאנקشكرًا لك
ביטעلو سمحت
זייַ געזונטمع السلامة
וואס מאכסטו?كيف حالك؟
אנטשולדיגט מירاعذرني
איך וויס נישטلا أعرف
איך פארשטייأفهم
איך טראכט אזויأعتقد ذلك
זאל זייןربما
מען וועט זיך זעהןأراك لاحقًا
היט זיךيعتني
וואס טוט זיך?ما أخبارك؟
מאכט נישט אויסلا تهتم
שוין יעצטفورا
לאמיר גייןدعنا نذهب

Interesting information about Yiddish Language

Yiddish is a special language that lots of Jewish people used to speak, especially those who lived in Europe long ago. Think of it like a mix of German and Hebrew, with some words from other languages too. It's written with Hebrew letters, which are different from the letters we use in English. People talked in Yiddish at home, with friends, in stories, and even in songs. Even though not as many people speak Yiddish today, it's still very important because it tells us about the history and culture of those who used it. It's like a treasure from the past that helps us understand the lives of those who spoke it.

Know About Arabic Language

Arabic is a very special language that many people speak in many different countries, mostly in a place called the Middle East. It's a really old language with a long history. When people write Arabic, the letters look kind of curly and they are joined together like a beautiful string. And guess what? They write from the right side of the page to the left, the opposite way that English is written. The Arabic language is also the language of the Quran, which is a very important book for Muslims. Arabic words are full of sounds that can be like music to your ears, and it has many words that can say big ideas in just one little word! It's like a secret code that millions of people can speak and understand.

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