Sundanese to Georgian Translation


Common Phrases From Sundanese to Georgian

hatur nuhunᲒმადლობთ
Kumaha damang?Როგორ ხარ?
Abdi henteu terangᲛე არ ვიცი
Abdi ngartosმე მესმის
abdi pikir kituასე ვფიქრობ
Tiasa waéᲨესაძლოა
Pendak deui engkéᲛოგვიანებით გნახავ
Kumaha kabarna?Რა ხდება?
Henteu kunanaonᲓაიკიდე
TangtosnaᲠა თქმა უნდა
Hayu angkatᲬავედით

Interesting information about Sundanese Language

Sundanese is a special kind of language that people speak in a place called West Java in Indonesia. It's like how some people speak English or Spanish, but Sundanese is special to many folks in this part of Indonesia. It has its own sounds and words that are different from other languages. Like when you say "hello" in English, in Sundanese they might say "sampurasun." There are a lot of people who use Sundanese every day to talk to their families, friends, and even to buy things from the store. It's a very important part of their culture, and it's a way for them to share their stories and traditions with one another. Sundanese can also be written down, not just spoken, and it uses letters that might look a little like the ones we use in English but are used differently. It's fun to think about how people from different parts of the world have their own unique language to communicate with each other!

Know About Georgian Language

Georgian is a very special and old language that people speak in a country called Georgia. This country is not the state of Georgia in America; it is a whole different place with its own beautiful mountains and seas. People in Georgia have been speaking the Georgian language for a very, very long time—even over a thousand years! The Georgian language has its own alphabet, which looks nothing like the letters you see in English. It’s like a secret code with 33 letters that are all its own, and they are very pretty to look at. When people speak in Georgian, it sounds musical and a little bit tricky because it has lots of sounds that we don't have in English. But for kids growing up in Georgia, it’s just normal, like English is for you!

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