Sinhala to Kurdish Translation


Common Phrases From Sinhala to Kurdish

ඔයාට ස්තූතියිSipas ji were
කරුණාකරJi kerema xwe ve
ආයුබෝවන්Bi xatirê te
ඔයාට කොහොම ද?Halê we çawa ye?
මට සමාවෙන්නBibûre
මම දන්නේ නැහැEz nizanim
මට තේරෙනවාEz dizanim
මම එසේ සිතනවාEz wisa difikirim
සමහර විටBelkî
ඔයාව පසුව හමුවෙන්නම්Paşê ezê te bibînim
ප්රවේසම් වන්නMiqatê xwe be
මොකක් ද වෙන්නේ?Çi heye?
ගණන් ගන්න එපාGuh nedê
ඇත්ත වශයෙන්Bê guman
අපි යමුDe em herin

Interesting information about Sinhala Language

Sinhala is a language that people speak mostly in a country called Sri Lanka, which is a beautiful island that looks like a tiny teardrop dropping down from the big country of India. Just like you wear special clothes to a party, Sinhala is a special language that has its very own letters and sounds that make it different from other languages. It's like a secret code that about 16 million people know how to use to talk to each other, write stories, and sing songs. The letters in Sinhala look a bit curly and twisty, kind of like the way you draw waves or little snails. People who live in Sri Lanka usually learn Sinhala when they're kids, but they might also know other languages, too. Sinhala has been around for a very long time, and it's full of cool history and tales that have been passed down from a long time ago.

Know About Kurdish Language

Kurdish is a special kind of language that lots of people speak, mostly in a place called Kurdistan. Imagine Kurdistan like a big house where lots of families live, but this house is spread over parts of four countries: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. The Kurdish language is like a big tree with different branches. These branches are like different kinds of Kurdish that people talk in. Some of these kinds are called Kurmanji, Sorani, and Pehlewani. People who speak Kurdish have their own music, stories, and poems, which are very important to them. Even though they live in different places, speaking Kurdish helps them feel like they are all part of one big family.

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