Sanskrit to Hausa Translation


Common Phrases From Sanskrit to Hausa

धन्यवादna gode
कृपयाDon Allah
क्षम्यताम्‌Yi hakuri
पुनर्दर्शनायBarka da warhaka
भवान्‌ कथमसि?Yaya lafiya?
क्षमा प्रयच्छ मेKu yi hakuri
अहं जानामि माBan sani ba
अहम्‌ अवगच्छामिNa gane
अहं तथा मन्येIna ji haka
तत् पश्चात् अहं त्वां पश्यामिSai anjima
अभिरक्षयA kula
अन्यत् किं?Me ke faruwa?
चिंतां मास्तुKada ku damu
निश्चयेनI mana
सद्यः एवNan take
गच्छामःMu tafi

Interesting information about Sanskrit Language

Sure! Sanskrit is a very old language that comes from a place called India. A long time ago, many people spoke Sanskrit, and lots of important books were written in it. It's like a grandparent to many other languages, which means they were born from Sanskrit. Today, not as many people speak it like they used to, but some still learn it because it's a special part of history. It has pretty sounds, and the words are like little puzzles that fit together in special ways. Some people even think it's a magical language because it's so old and beautiful. It's like a treasure from the past that we can still look at and enjoy today!

Know About Hausa Language

Hausa is a language that lots of people speak in Africa. It's like how some people speak English or Spanish, but Hausa is special in countries like Nigeria and Niger. Imagine you have friends from different places and you all want to talk and share stories; if you were in some parts of Africa, you might all decide to speak in Hausa. It's a way for people to understand each other even if they come from different places. People also write books, make movies, and sing songs in Hausa. It's a language full of beautiful words that helps lots of people to be friends and learn new things.

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