Polish to Assamese Translation


Common Phrases From Polish to Assamese

Proszęঅনুগ্ৰহ কৰি
Do widzeniaবিদায়
Jak się masz?আপোনাৰ কেনে?
Przepraszamক্ষমা কৰিব
Nie wiemমই নাজানো
Rozumiemমই বুজি পাইছোঁ
Myślę, że takমই তেনেকৈয়ে ভাবো
Do zobaczenia późniejআপোনাক পাছত লগ পাম
Dbać o siebieযত্ন লওক
Co słychać?কি খবৰ?
Nieważneকোনো কথা নাই
Od razuলগে লগে

Interesting information about Polish Language

Polish is a special way of talking and writing that comes from a country called Poland. Imagine you have a big box filled with different toys; Polish is like one of those toys, but instead of being a toy, it's a bunch of words and sounds that people use to share ideas, tell stories, and ask for things like apple juice or a sandwich. Just like you might know how to say "hello" in English, in Polish, people say "cześć" to greet each other. Polish can sound like a song because it has lots of words with "sh" and "ch" sounds, kind of like the noise a train makes when it moves on the tracks. And when Polish people write, their words have little marks over some letters that are like secret codes telling you how to say them, kind of like arrows in a treasure map. Lots of people who live in Poland or have Polish families like to speak Polish when they talk to each other, play games, or read books, and it helps them feel close and connected, just like when you hold hands in a big circle with your friends.

Know About Assamese Language

Assamese is a language that people speak in a part of India called Assam. It's like when you and your friends have a special way of talking to each other, but for many people, it's their main way of speaking every day. Assamese has its own sounds and words that are different from other languages. It's written in a special script, which means it has its own set of letters and symbols. Just like you learn the alphabet in English, children in Assam learn the Assamese alphabet in school. Many stories, poems, and songs are written in Assamese, and it helps people in Assam share their ideas and feelings with each other. It's a very important part of their culture and history.

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