Oromo to Sorani Translation


Common Phrases From Oromo to Sorani

Akkam jirta?چۆنی?
An hin beekuنازانم
Nan hubadhaمن تێدەگەم
Akkas natti fakkaataمنیش بڕوام وایە
Booda wal agarraدواتر دەتبینمەوە
Of eeggadhuئاگاداری خۆت بە
Akkam jirta?چی هەیە?
Hin yaadda'iinگوێ مەدێ
Eeyyee kaaبێگومان
Haa deemnuبا بروین با بچین

Interesting information about Oromo Language

Oromo is a language that lots of people speak in the country called Ethiopia, and some nearby places too. It's kind of like when you and your friends have a special way of talking together, but for many, many people! The Oromo language has its own sounds and words, just like English has words like "cat" or "run." People use Oromo to talk to each other, tell stories, and teach kids in schools. It's like a key that opens the door to a big family where everyone understands each other because they all use the language called Oromo! 🗝️🚪👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Know About Sorani Language

Sorani is a special way of talking and writing that lots of people in a part of the world called Kurdistan use. Kurdistan isn't a country you can find on most maps, but it's an area where many Kurdish people live, and they spread across several countries like Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria. Sorani is really important for these Kurdish people because it helps them share their ideas, stories, and feelings with each other. It's like how you might use English or another language to talk to your friends and family. Sorani has its own set of squiggles, dots, and lines that make up its alphabet, which is different from the letters you might see in English. Those who speak Sorani have been using it for a very long time, and it's a big part of their culture and identity. They write books, make movies, teach in schools, and do lots of other cool stuff in Sorani. It helps them keep their culture strong and alive, even though they don't all live in the same place.

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