Odia to Tatar Translation


Common Phrases From Odia to Tatar

ଦୟାକରି |Зинһар
ଦୁ Sorry ଖିତГафу итегез
ବିଦାୟСау бул
କେମିତି ଅଛନ୍ତି, କେମିତି ଅଛ?Нихәл?
କ୍ଷମା କରନ୍ତୁГафу итегез
ମୁଁ ଜାଣି ନାହିଁБелмим
ମୁ ବୁଝିଲିмин аңлыйм
ମୁଁ ଭାବୁଛିшулай дип уйлыйм
ବୋଧ ହୁଏБәлки
ପରେ ଦେଖା ହେବСоңрак күрешербез
ଯତ୍ନ ନିଅСакланыгыз
କଣ ଚାଲିଛି?Ничек хәлләр?
ଆଦ mind ଚିନ୍ତା କର ନାହିଁ |Мөһим түгел
ଚାଲ ଯିବାКиттек

Interesting information about Odia Language

Odia is a sweet language spoken by lots of people in a place called Odisha, in India. Think of it like a secret code that friends in Odisha use to talk to each other. Just like you use words to tell your friends about your favorite game or cartoon, people in Odisha use Odia words to share their stories, jokes, and to say how they feel. Odia has its own special letters that are different from the English ABCs, and it sounds very nice when spoken. It's been around for a very long time and has lots of beautiful songs and stories written in it. It's a special part of the culture in Odisha, like a special dish or dance that only they have. Isn't it cool that there are so many different ways to talk around the world? Odia is one of those amazing languages that make the world an interesting place!

Know About Tatar Language

Tatar is a special kind of talking and writing that lots of people use in a place called Tatarstan and some nearby spots too. It's a lot like how some of us speak English or Spanish, but it sounds different and has its own rules. Tatar is really important to the people who speak it because it's a part of who they are and how they tell stories, make jokes, and say "I love you" to their families. Imagine having your own secret code with friends; that's a little bit like having your own language like Tatar. It's something special that helps everyone understand each other and share what they're thinking.

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