Gujarati to Uzbek Translation


Common Phrases From Gujarati to Uzbek

મહેરબાની કરીનેIltimos
માફ કરશોKechirasiz
આવજોXayr. Salomat bo'ling
તમે કેમ છો?Qalaysiz?
માફ કરશોKechirasiz
મને ખબર નથીBilmadim
હુ સમજયોTushundim
મને લાગે છેMen ham shunday fikrdaman
પછી મળીશુંKo'rishguncha
કાળજી રાખજોQayg'urmoq; o'zini ehtiyot qilmoq
શું ચાલી રહ્યું છે?Nima gaplar?
કંઈ વાંધો નહીંHech qisi yo'q
તરત જHoziroq
ચાલો જઇએQani ketdik

Interesting information about Gujarati Language

Gujarati is a language that people speak in a part of India called Gujarat. It's like how some people speak English or Spanish, but in Gujarat, lots of people talk to each other in Gujarati. Just like when you say "hello" in English, people who speak Gujarati say "kem cho" to ask someone how they are. This language sounds pretty and has its very own letters that look different from the ones we use in English. These letters come from a special alphabet for writing Gujarati words. People also write books, tell stories, and sing songs in Gujarati. It's a special way for them to share their ideas and feelings with each other. Lots of people all over the world know how to speak and understand Gujarati, not just in India!

Know About Uzbek Language

Uzbek is a special kind of talking and writing that many people use in a country called Uzbekistan. It's a bit like having a secret code that only friends in Uzbekistan know, but it's not really a secret. Imagine you have a box of crayons, and 'Uzbek' is a beautiful color that you can use to draw pictures or write messages. Just like you can learn to use new crayons, people can learn to talk and write in Uzbek. This language sounds like music to the ears of people who speak it every day. It's made up of lots of different sounds and words, and when you put them together, they can tell stories, ask questions, or say 'hello!' Learning Uzbek can be a fun adventure, like going on a treasure hunt to discover new ways to say things.

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