Gujarati to Frisian Translation


Common Phrases From Gujarati to Frisian

મહેરબાની કરીનેAsjebleaft
માફ કરશોSorry
આવજોOant sjen
તમે કેમ છો?Hoe giet it mei dy?
માફ કરશોEkskusearje my
મને ખબર નથીIk wit it net
હુ સમજયોIk begryp it
મને લાગે છેIk tink it
પછી મળીશુંSjoch dy letter
કાળજી રાખજોWês foarsichtich
શું ચાલી રહ્યું છે?Hoe giet it?
કંઈ વાંધો નહીંLit mar
તરત જFuortendaliks
ચાલો જઇએLitte wy gean

Interesting information about Gujarati Language

Gujarati is a language that people speak in a part of India called Gujarat. It's like how some people speak English or Spanish, but in Gujarat, lots of people talk to each other in Gujarati. Just like when you say "hello" in English, people who speak Gujarati say "kem cho" to ask someone how they are. This language sounds pretty and has its very own letters that look different from the ones we use in English. These letters come from a special alphabet for writing Gujarati words. People also write books, tell stories, and sing songs in Gujarati. It's a special way for them to share their ideas and feelings with each other. Lots of people all over the world know how to speak and understand Gujarati, not just in India!

Know About Frisian Language

Frisian is a special kind of language, just like English or Spanish, but not as many people know about it or speak it. Think of it like a secret code that some folks in a place called Friesland use to talk to each other. Friesland is in a country known as the Netherlands, and it's also spoken in parts of Germany. Frisian sounds a bit like English, so if you know English, some of the words might seem familiar. People who speak Frisian have their own stories, songs, and sayings that are very important to them. It's like they have their very own word treasure that they keep alive by talking and teaching it to their kids. It's pretty cool because languages are like colors that paint our world with different sounds and feelings.

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