German to Italian Translation


Common Phrases From German to Italian

BittePer favore
Auf WiedersehenArrivederci
Wie geht es dir?Come stai?
VerzeihungMi scusi
Ich weiß nichtNon lo so
Ich versteheCapisco
Ich glaube schoncredo di si
Bis späterArrivederci
Was ist los?Che cosa succede?
EgalNon importa
SofortAl momento
Lass uns gehenAndiamo

Interesting information about German Language

German is a language that a lot of people speak, especially in a country called Germany. It's also spoken in some other places like Austria, Switzerland, and parts of Belgium and Luxembourg. German sounds different than English, but there are some words that are similar because they come from the same language family. When you listen to someone speaking German, you might hear sounds that seem very sharp or strong, like when they say "Ich liebe dich," which means "I love you." German has its own special letters that look a bit different, and people who write in German use these letters. It's a fun language to learn with lots of big words, and it's also important because many books, songs, and movies are made in German.

Know About Italian Language

Italian is a beautiful language that sounds like music to your ears. It's spoken by lots of people in Italy and in some other places around the world too. This language is very old and comes from a language called Latin, which was spoken a long, long time ago. When you speak Italian, you say words like "ciao" to greet people, which means "hello" and "goodbye". Italian is special because it has special sounds and you use your hands a lot when talking. It's fun to learn and speak Italian because it can make you think of pizza, pasta, and lots of other yummy Italian foods! People also use Italian to sing opera, which is like a play but everyone sings instead of talks.

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