Danish to Romanian Translation


Common Phrases From Danish to Romanian

tak skal du haveMulțumesc
Vær venligVă rog
UndskyldÎmi pare rău
HejBuna ziua
FarvelLa revedere
Hvordan har du det?Ce mai faci?
Undskyld migScuzați-mă
Jeg ved ikkeNu știu
jeg forstårAm înțeles
det tror jegAșa cred
måskePot fi
Vi ses senereNe vedem mai târziu
Pas påAi grijă
Hvad så?Care-i treaba?
Glem detNu face nimic
Med det sammeImediat
Lad os gåSă mergem

Interesting information about Danish Language

Danish is a special way of talking that comes from a country called Denmark. It's like how when you go to different people's houses, they may have their own secret words or ways of saying things, but Danish is the special way of talking for a whole country. Imagine you have a box of Legos, and with these Legos, you can build all sorts of things by putting them together in different ways. Danish has its own 'Legos' or sounds and words, that people put together to say what they want, like asking for apple juice, playing with friends, or telling a story. The way these words sound is a bit like how someone from Denmark would sing a song, a bit up and down and fun to listen to. And just like you learn to say "please" and "thank you," kids in Denmark learn to say "tak" and "hej" which means the same thing, but in their own special Danish way.

Know About Romanian Language

Sure! So, Romanian is a special way of talking and writing that lots of people use in a country called Romania and in another place called Moldova. It's like when you have your own secret club with your friends and you have a code that only you and your friends understand. Well, Romanian is like that, but not a secret, and it's not just for a few people; millions of people know this language. It's a lot like languages that are used in Italy, Spain, France, and Portugal. That's because they are all part of the same language family, like cousins! Imagine if you could talk to your toys and each of them answered in their own special way, but they all kind of sounded the same—that's what it's like with Romanian and its cousin languages. They all use the ABCs, but they have some extra letters too, with little marks above or below them that tell you how to say the sounds in a Romanian way. It's like a normal ABC, but with a few fun twists!

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