Czech to Pashto Translation


Common Phrases From Czech to Pashto

Děkujiله تاسو مننه
Ahojپه مخه مو ښه
Jak se máte?تاسو څنګه یئ؟
Promiňteبخښنه غواړم
Nevímزه نه پوهیږم
Chápuزه پوهیږم
Myslím, že anoزه همداسې فکر کوم
Možnáامکان لری
Uvidíme se pozdějiوروسته به سره ګورو
Opatruj seپاملرنه
Co se děje?څه خبره ده؟
Nevadíپه اړه یې فکر مه کوه
Pojďmeمخکې شه

Interesting information about Czech Language

Czech is a special kind of talking and writing that people use in a country called the Czech Republic. It's like how we speak English at home or how some of our friends might speak Spanish or French. The Czech language has its own sounds and words that are different from ours. For example, when Czech people say "hello," they say "Ahoj!" When they count, the number "one" is "jedna." They have letters that look funny too, like with little hats on them, called accents. These accents help to tell how to say the words. Kids in the Czech Republic learn how to talk in Czech when they're really little, just like we learn English. It's a special language that only people from that part of the world use every day.

Know About Pashto Language

Pashto is a special language that many people speak, especially in a place called Afghanistan and also in Pakistan. Just like you and your friends might have a secret way to talk to each other, Pashto is the secret code for millions of friends who live in those countries. It's a very old language, kind of like a great-grandpa, because it's been around for hundreds of years. When people speak Pashto, they make sounds that might be different from English, using their mouth, tongue, and voice in cool ways. Pashto is written down using its own set of squiggly lines that are like secret symbols for different letters. Just like how you learn ABCs in English, kids in Afghanistan and Pakistan learn their own Pashto ABCs to read and write. Isn't it fun to think about all the different ways people have their own special codes to talk to each other?

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