Chinese Traditional to Romanian Translation


Common Phrases From Chinese Traditional to Romanian

Chinese TraditionalRomanian
Vă rog
對不起Îmi pare rău
你好Buna ziua
再見La revedere
你好嗎?Ce mai faci?
我不知道Nu știu
我明白Am înțeles
我想是這樣Așa cred
或許Pot fi
回頭見Ne vedem mai târziu
小心Ai grijă
這是怎麼回事?Care-i treaba?
沒關係Nu face nimic
我們走吧Să mergem

Interesting information about Chinese Traditional Language

Chinese Traditional is a way of writing the Chinese language, just like how you might write letters with pencils or draw pictures with crayons. Imagine you have a big box of art supplies with lots of different tools to create pretty things. Traditional Chinese characters are like those fancier, more detailed tools in the box. They have lots of lines and parts to them, and they can look very beautiful, kind of like a detailed drawing or a fancy decoration. People in places like Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau use these Traditional characters a lot. Even though it might take a bit longer to learn all the parts of Traditional Chinese characters, they help tell the history and stories of the language, kind of like how old treasures tell us stories about the past.

Know About Romanian Language

Sure! So, Romanian is a special way of talking and writing that lots of people use in a country called Romania and in another place called Moldova. It's like when you have your own secret club with your friends and you have a code that only you and your friends understand. Well, Romanian is like that, but not a secret, and it's not just for a few people; millions of people know this language. It's a lot like languages that are used in Italy, Spain, France, and Portugal. That's because they are all part of the same language family, like cousins! Imagine if you could talk to your toys and each of them answered in their own special way, but they all kind of sounded the same—that's what it's like with Romanian and its cousin languages. They all use the ABCs, but they have some extra letters too, with little marks above or below them that tell you how to say the sounds in a Romanian way. It's like a normal ABC, but with a few fun twists!

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