Bambara to Igbo Translation


Common Phrases From Bambara to Igbo

A' ni cɛDaalụ
aw ni baaraNnọọ
Kan bɛKa ọ dị
I ka kɛnɛ wa?Kedu ka ị mere?
Hakɛ toCheregodi
Ne tɛ a dɔnAmaghị m
n y'a faamuAghọtara m
Ne hakili la, o de doneche m
A bɛ se ka kɛEnwere ike
Kan bɛn kɔfɛKa ahụ ma emechaa
I janto i yɛrɛ laLedo onwe gị
Mun bɛ ye?Kedu nke na-eme?
Kana i janto a laHapụzie
O yɔrɔnin bɛɛ laOzugbo
An ka taaKa a pụọ

Interesting information about Bambara Language

Bambara is a language that many people speak in the country of Mali, in Africa. It's the most common language there, and lots of people use it to talk to each other every day. Bambara is part of a bigger family of languages called Mande languages. It's not just used at home with families, but also in schools, markets, and on the radio and TV so everyone can understand what's going on. People who speak Bambara can share stories, learn new things, and be friends with each other. Even if someone speaks a different language, they might learn Bambara too, because it helps everyone get along and understand each other better in Mali.

Know About Igbo Language

Igbo is a language spoken by a lot of people in Nigeria, which is a country in Africa. Think about the language you speak at home with your family and friends; for many people in the southeastern part of Nigeria, Igbo is the language they use to talk to each other, tell stories, and teach their kids. In schools, kids learn Igbo just like they learn English, so they can read and write in it too. Igbo has its own set of sounds that can be quite different from English, and it's unique because it's a big part of who the Igbo people are and how they share their culture and traditions. Just imagine if you had your own special way of talking that only you and your friends understood—that's what speaking Igbo is like for the people who use it every day!

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