teetotaler in a sentence

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Teetotaler Sentence Examples

1. he is a strict vegetarian, a teetotaler, and doesn't smoke.


2. Although a heavy smoker, Young is a teetotaler and has been all his life.


3. That's like taking a teetotaler to happy hour.

4. But what about teetotalers -- should they start drinking?

5. he is a teetotaler and has never had a drop of alcohol in his life.

6. Teetotalism is the abstinence from alcohol, and practitioners are known as teetotalers.

7. A person who practices teetotalism is called a teetotaler or is simply said to be teetotal.

8. the 72-year-old president is a teetotaler and does not smoke, but likes a sedate lifestyle.

9. For example, do partiers and teetotalers sort themselves out in the housing application process?

10. If you are a teetotaler, eat boiled egg or yogurt after drinking this solution, to coat your stomach.

11. someone who has a successful career, a good educational background and a teetotaler will be an ideal match.

12. The red wine drinkers scored 2 points higher than other alcohol drinkers, and 4 more points than teetotalers.

13. She was also a rabid teetotaler; I never heard her excuse an alcoholic because he was happy when he was drunk.

14. A teetotaler, therefore, would be a person who has completely or absolutely sworn off the consumption of alcohol.

15. And while I'm not a teetotaler at this point of my life, my lifestyle is a straight-edge kind of lifestyle in a way.

16. Despite J.D. Rockefeller Jr. being a lifelong teetotaler, Rivera drew him with a martini and a woman who may be a prostitute.

17. They found that moderate drinkers tended to live longer across a 20-year follow-up compared to heavy drinkers and teetotalers.

18. If you have a dog, a teetotaler and does not smoke, be sure to declare these factors are used by some insurers to reduce premiums.

19. While no one is expecting college kids to be teetotalers, Sizemore-Ruiz says having a good group of friends can prevent many problems.

20. I don’t know of any studies that show this, but it’s been suggested that highly active people are more likely to be drinkers than teetotalers.

Meaning of Teetotaler

1. a person who never drinks alcohol.


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