neutrophils in a sentence

Get sentences with neutrophils in a sentence.


Neutrophils Sentence Examples

1. Basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils are all about the same size.


2. increase in the number of neutrophils.

3. In some cases, neutrophils are absent.

4. How does the Immune System Use Neutrophils?

5. G-CSF can increase the number of neutrophils.

6. Causes when segmented neutrophils are elevated

7. How to restore the proper level of neutrophils

8. The mature neutrophils contain both populations.

9. if segmented neutrophils are reduced or elevated.

10. Pus consists of large numbers of dead neutrophils.

11. Segs is an abbreviation for segmental neutrophils.

12. The neutrophils are like an emergency response team.

13. Modern medicine distinguishes two types of neutrophils:

14. Causes of elevated neutrophils in the blood of an adult

15. Neutrophils are fragile, making them difficult to study.

16. D71 Functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils

17. First, the team treated human neutrophils with tamoxifen.

18. Only the absolute number of neutrophils will be reliable.

19. Young neutrophils differ from the old by a rod-shaped core.

20. Neutrophils can periodically decrease, then return to normal.

Meaning of Neutrophils

1. a neutrophilic white blood cell.


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