men's room in a sentence

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Men's Room Sentence Examples

1. caught dude jerking off in the men's room.

2. In the men's room this one will look very cool.

3. This transaction took place in the Memphian's men's room.

4. Finally, he ends up in the men's room and recognizes Colin

5. For the women's room you need to choose other types of sofa.

6. You will pass by the men's bedroom - be sure to look in the men's room.

7. Unlike the Greeks, the Romans did not separate men's and women's rooms.

8. Sometimes there's one only in the women's room; tough luck if you're a man.

9. The killing of the associate in the men's room leads to the opening credits.

10. Up until my fifth birthday, I would go in and change with my dad in the men's room.

11. Don't be surprised by unisex bathrooms, or men's and women's rooms with a common lobby.

12. However, the so-called "Gentlemen's room" or the office could also be converted into additional bedrooms.

13. On his first day on the job he comes back from the men's room saying he can't find any hole in the ground.

14. Yet before they had finished speaking, the third daughter raised the curtain of the women's room, and stepped out.

15. We finished by 1:30 and I just had enough time to hit the men's room and speak with the detectives before my appointment.

16. In order to include women more systematically in the formal economy, the ALCP set up 28 women's rooms in municipal offices.

17. At Samsung's innovation center south of Seoul, the corporate motivators posted a photograph over the urinals in the men's room.

18. You just have to be able to see the difference between men's room graffiti and "subway graffiti" or graffiti written by people with a point and who have skills.

19. If there aren't any gender-neutral washrooms, Singer also suggests choosing a men's room over a women's room, since they are traditionally less crowded than other ones.

20. "I have taken the liberty," said Mr. Wednesday, washing his hands in the men's room of Jack's Crocodile Bar, "of ordering food for myself, to be delivered to your table.

Meaning of Men's Room

1. a men's toilet in a public or institutional building.

men's room

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