fuck off in a sentence

Get sentences with fuck off in a sentence.


Fuck Off Sentence Examples

1. “Fucked” and “Fuck off” were the cuss words used.


2. The librarian says; “Fuck off, you won’t bring it back.”


3. Fuck off, Grey, you’re not all that.

4. Obama isnt going to fuck off, is he?

5. I turned around and said, “Fuck off”.

6. If someone doesn’t like it, fuck off.

7. Like, seriously, Nazi punks fuck off.

8. Wayne County & Electric Chairs Fuck off

9. Lucy: What about “Nazi Punks Fuck Off”?

10. "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" by the Dead Kennedys

11. Actually, it was more like, fuck off, you stupid dude.

12. North Korea Made Its Own Time Zone to Tell Japan to Fuck Off

13. Go make your movie, fuck off, and let us know when it’s done.’”

14. Have Fun or Fuck Off was me trying to write a skate/thrash song.

15. 'Fuck off Europe', the English bellowed, 'We're voting for Brexit'.

16. Let’s exploit that tension and just get the fuck off together tonight!

17. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia (fuck off, someone had to write that).

18. It’s our ‘Fuck Off’ to the closed minded, racist, orthodox state of mind.

19. That was enough for me to fuck off [from the group working on Dragonfly].”

20. So my request to The Merkel, just keep your lying mouth shut- and fuck off.

Meaning of Fuck Off

1. (of a person) go away.

2. make someone angry.

fuck off

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