fuck in a sentence
Get sentences with fuck in a sentence.
Fuck Sentence Examples
1. Fuck you, I'll go play the Whisky.'
2. So fuck you and your stubborn ass!"
3. “Fucked” and “Fuck off” were the cuss words used.
4. The librarian says; “Fuck off, you won’t bring it back.”
5. what the fuck, oly?
6. royally fucked that up.
7. and it fucked her up royally.
8. But this is Radiohead, so fuck it."
9. Was this the man who I just fucked?
10. But this is Radiohead, so fuck it.”
11. He's a fucking nightmare on wheels.
12. “These girls are fucking dangerous.
13. "Fuck You", a song by the Subhumans
14. I asked her if we could fuck again.
15. “Fuck, where is the damn ambulance?
16. I am the fucking queen of blowjobs.
17. Me and my fucking brilliant ideas."
18. It stands for “just fucking do it”.
19. Fuck me in front of all my friends.
20. Then they could give a single fuck.
Meaning of Fuck
1. have sex with (someone).
2. damage or ruin (something).
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