cisgender in a sentence
Get sentences with cisgender in a sentence.
Cisgender Sentence Examples
1. Such individuals will develop cisgender identities.
2. it also shows that cisgender, heterosexual men do experience abuse online.
3. this new-found attention to the plight of black trans folks by primarily cisgender allies is timely and necessary
4. I am privileged as a cisgender woman.
5. Cisgender is not a bad word or a bad thing.
6. Rape statistics among cisgender men are limited.
7. Please check your cisgender privilege, Samantha.”
8. It could also mean both cisgender and heteroromantic.
9. “Cishet” means someone is both cisgender and heterosexual.
10. It’s not just cisgender women and girls who need abortions
11. This was lower than expected compared with cisgender women.
12. I gave birth to my kids and was married to a cisgender man.
13. Conversely, cisgender – or cis – is the term used to describe.
14. So, cisgender and transgender aren’t a part of a strict binary.
15. If you do identify with that gender, you’re cisgender, or “cis.”
16. 5 differences between breasts of transgender versus cisgender women
17. People who are not transgender or nonbinary are called "cisgender."
18. Disclaimer: This post focuses on lesbian sex between cisgender women.
19. I could easily hide this since I am attracted to cisgender women too.
20. Transgender women were also linked to more cisgender men than expected.
Meaning of Cisgender
1. denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.
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